Welcome to GPMed

Austrian Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine

The Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine is a scientific forum for doctors, scientists and other healthcare professionals from academia, industry, authorities, and other institutions who are involved in the clinical development of medicinal products. Special attention is paid to the education and up-to-date training of members it to achieve continuous quality improvement. In this way, we want to contribute to raising Austria's international profile as an important location for clinical trials for the benefit of patients.

Training courses 2024 (German only)

14.3.2024, 16:00 Research with health data in the EU: France, Germany and Austria as pioneers, followed by GV
23.5.2024 Cancelled - BASG meeting - postponed to autumn
23.9.2024, 15:30, Innsbruck Clinical research in the West
3. oder 10.10. BASG discussion - exact date will be communicated in September, due to lecture theatre reservation
End of November* Topic: Research funding (FFG et al.)

*more details to be announced


IFAPP Today Newsletter

IFAPP Today Newsletter

IFAPP TODAY, the monthly journal of the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine, is dedicated to keeping the global pharmaceutical medicine community up to date with the latest news. We value input from all member associations, individual affiliates, and followers.

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Medical Affairs im Fokus

Focus on medical affairs

The Medical Affairs Circle of the Gesellschaft für Pharmazeutische Medizin (GPMed) has launched a joint university course with the Medical University of Vienna and has also defined "Medical Key Performance Indicators". Dr Dejan Baltic, Head of the Medical Affairs Circle, and his deputy Bernhard Mraz provide more details in this interview.

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IFAPP 20th ICPM Announcement

IFAPP 20th ICPM Announcement

The Greek Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (EL.E.F.I.) and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine (IFAPP) invite you to the 20th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Medicine in Athens, Greece, next October.

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Register for our GPMedium.

You will receive announcements about our upcoming training courses and a report on our last training programme. (German only)